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Saying Goodbye to Summer

Oct 1 | What Different Can Do

Saying Goodbye to Summer, But Not to What We’ve Learned

While the sun has set on another unforgettable summer, it’s hard to say goodbye to the days of adventure, friendship, and fun. But while camp may be over, the lessons we learned — empathy, confidence, and connection — are the kind of takeaways we carry with us all year long.

Keeping Empathy Alive

At camp, we’re surrounded by diverse people with different abilities from different backgrounds. Whether it’s helping a fellow camper through a challenging obstacle or lending a listening ear to a new friend, empathy becomes second nature to our campers. As they head back to school or into the routine of daily life, it is important to remember that empathy is just as or even more important outside of camp. We not only encourage our campers to take time to understand someone else’s perspective, be kind, and offer support when needed but to encourage others to do the same. Even the smallest acts of empathy can build stronger connections, just like they did at camp.

Confidence to Take on Anything

Summer camp challenges each camper to step out of their comfort zone and try new things. Whether it was tackling our high ropes course, learning a new skill, or making new friends, our campers grow in confidence that stays with them when they leave camp. The courage they find — to try, to fail, and to succeed — can guide them through school projects, sports teams, or even tough days. They’ve faced challenges and come out stronger — and they can do it again!

Connection Doesn’t End Here

One of the best parts of Camp Southern Ground is the friendships made along the way. These friendships, rooted in shared experiences and community, are special. Don’t let those connections fade when camp is over. Encourage your kids to reach out to their camp friends, stay in touch, and lift each other up throughout the year. Keeping those bonds strong can bring back the spirit of camp, no matter how far away it feels.

The Impact of Camp All Year Long

Just because summer is over doesn’t mean the impact of Camp Southern Ground is. The empathy and confidence built aren’t temporary; they’re part of who our campers are and something they take with them with into the school year, community, and daily life. And remember, no matter the season, they are always part of the Camp Southern Ground family.

Here’s to saying goodbye to summer but holding on to the best parts of it — empathy, confidence, and the camp spirit that lasts all year long!