Veteran Outreach Manager
Brent Taylor
Brent joined Camp Southern Ground in 2019 as a program coordinator after attending the pilot program for Warrior Week. After leaving the Marine Corps in 2010 he found a successful career at Remington Defense’s Advanced Armament Corps and later BPI Outdoors. Currently, he is serving as the Veteran Outreach Manager at Camp Southern Ground. He also serves as a facilitator on our program team where his passion is helping people understand their value. He says, “Through sharing my experiences with others I began to learn more about my value and how to elevate others.”
When he’s not at work he spends his time outdoors hiking, fishing, cooking, and hanging out with his best friend, a golden retriever named George. If you ask him how he describes himself he would say he’s a husband, father, and a proud Appalachian. He also says that he loves Jesus but he cusses a little.